art is knowing ~ art is healing ~ art is playful FUN!

rosann's story
a few things about me

rosann's story

a few things about me

hello and welcome!

Paths and acorns are powerful symbols for me – you’ll find both sprinkled throughout my site. And that dappled, sunlit path above? It leads to one of my favourite places and is one I’ve walked many times. To me, it represents the path I walk on my life journey: stepping into those pockets of light, listening for that inner voice to guide me, knowing and trusting that each step shapes my own becoming in the same way that the tiny acorn is encoded to grow into a mighty oak tree.

a few things about me ...

  • a Capricorn and an INFJ
  • an avid reader who loves good tea and great stories
  • A-B-C creatrix (art journaling, book making and creative expression of all kinds) 
  • gardening enthusiast (healing herbs, hostas & hydrangeas are among my faves)
  • lover of words, poetry, nature, and the beauty of all seasons
  • explorer of PLACE and belonging to the land.

the longer version...

rosann whale pic 2



Books have been a constant companion since I was a child, and my imagination was fed by the stories I read.  I was always happiest creating and making things, and a life in the arts would have suited me just fine. 

However, grown-up responsibilities left little time for creative pursuits; even so, I found an outlet in home, garden, and stitching stories with needle and thread.   

about me page collage

As the ups and downs of life unfolded, art revealed itself as soul medicine – offering healing gifts of wonder, play and meaning. I fully embraced this heART-led path with a beginners mind, finding joy in my own creative process as well as nurturing it in others through small group workshops.


The workshops I offer are sometimes serious, sometimes playful, but always rooted in the belief that art taps into our own deep wellspring of imagination and intuitive knowing.

Creative expression within a book or journal is my go-to art practice. I love making my own books, and filling them with vintage papers, recycled materials, fabric swatches and found objects. Inspiration is found through a poem, quote, or in nature; intuition and the creative process guides my hand.  I create to keep becoming.

My guiding mantra is:

Art is knowing ~ Art is healing ~

Art is playful FUN!

Though my home town is along Lake Erie’s sunshine coast, I now call Alberta *home.* Winters are long, summers are glorious, and all of its seasons and landscapes delight my senses and inspire my creativity.

Connecting with other creative souls, expressing our stories through the creative arts, but especially, supporting and “paying attention as we listen each other into being” is what I hope my creative offerings bring. I look forward to connecting with you soon!

Artfully yours,


heart vine
rosann and lake

My *home* is on Treaty 6 territory, a traditional meeting grounds, gathering place, and travelling route to the Cree, Saulteaux, Blackfoot, Metis, Dene and Nakota Sioux. Their footsteps have marked these lands from time immemorial.

journal hero

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I look forward to meeting you!

thank you!
