art is knowing ~ art is healing ~ art is playful FUN!

Rosann Whale

Featured Guest – Kat Kirby

Kat and I have never met in person, although we’ve come close several times! A few years back, I contacted her about meeting up when my husband and I were vacationing near her home in Arizona, and another time Kat and I were trying to arrange SoulCollage facilitator training in Edmonton. Unfortunately, neither worked out.

Kat was an Art Therapist for 40 years, and knows first-hand the benefits that a regular art practice can provide. She teaches a wide range of creative workshops in her home studio in Arizona, USA, and hosts art retreats all over the world.

We share many similar interests and are active members in some of the same groups. I’ve always been inspired by her many offerings and the beautiful art she creates. I asked Kat about her daily practice, and this was her reply.

In her own words…

“My daily/regular creative practice is definitely collage. I have always loved piecing things together, and have done mosaics and quilting which have had that same effect on me: creating something new from pieces of other things.

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I like to incorporate images, paints, words, doodles, and ascemic writing to create a story on paper. Whenever I travel, I bring along a small Traveller’s Notebook to create collages, and it usually creates some interest from a seat mate!”

Take a look at all the fabulous classes that Kat teaches; there’s bound to be something that piques your interest!

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