art is knowing ~ art is healing ~ art is playful FUN!

Rosann Whale

Funky Spirit Art Doll Swap

Doll Swap

Last fall, I participated in a round robin art doll swap with several other women.  The process was quite beautiful.

We started by creating a figure using pipe-cleaners and wire, shaping it into a head, arms, body and legs. Foam, quilt batting, and fabric were used to provide  structure and shape.  We added as much or as little to the doll as we chose before mailing it to the next person. Precious objects or words could be woven in, along with keepsakes or fabric that held special meaning.

Our figures were named – not an easy thing to do when it’s only just beginning to take shape…and yet, the dolls ‘told’ us who they were.  We intuitively responded to the emerging figure – playing, imagining, listening and writing story snippets that accompanied the dolls to their next destination. Each person added to the story.

In May, we gathered together for a potluck lunch and a much anticipated exchange. Amid laughter and smiles, we opened our packages, slowly drawing forth our finished art dolls.

Wow!! I can’t begin to tell you the pure delight in that room as we gazed at our dolls, enchanted by the transformation we were witnessing since they’d left our homes months before. Every doll was so unique – lovingly stitched or glued with fabric, wool, feathers, buttons and beads.  Precious stones brought back from Brazil were a special addition that adorned each one.

A BIG thank you to the hands (Celia, Cheryl, Toby and Dara) that held and created my Funky Spirit Doll. She sits in a place of honour in my studio window, and when the sun hits the prism she holds, multi-coloured light streaks into the room.  So beautiful.  Special thanks to Dara for organizing this fun swap!

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