art is knowing ~ art is healing ~ art is playful FUN!

Rosann Whale

365 Day Creative Project

365 Rolodex File

How would you feel about committing to an art project every day for a full year?

Things happen, life happens, and it would be all too easy to fall behind, right? Even the most fun and creative activity can become a chore, even more so if you’re sick, or tired…and what happens when you travel?  Or worse, boredom?

That was my biggest fear…what if it killed my joy in creating, my play-time in the studio, if I HAD to do a project E-V-E-R-Y day for a whole year.

So, why do it? I wanted to see if I could create a daily habit of art making. Just something small, every day, for 365 days.

Gretchen Miller’s 365 Project was my inspiration, and I decided this was something I could do too. A year-long challenge to myself for myself.

As I prepared to begin, it was important I keep these things in mind:

  • be gentle with myself and any time constraints that arise;
  • know in advance that many weren’t going to be quality pieces, and that was okay.

Organization and careful planning seemed key to staying on track:  a time commitment of 15-30 minutes was do-able, and I already had the perfect piece to work on – an old, salvaged Rolodex file.

Each card is 2 1/4″ x  4″ –  more than enough space to capture a highlight from each day – an image, a word, a thought or feeling. And at the end of the year, all these little file cards will be housed in one place, a visual kaleidoscope of memories to treasure.

Altered Rolodex Cards

Update: I did it!! No lie, the last 2 months were a grind, but I was determined to follow through. And I have this amazing visual collection of words and images to look back on.

journal hero

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